Acute Porphyria Drug Database

C07AG01 - Labetalol
Not porphyrinogenic

Alpha/beta-blocker. Several references stating non-porphyrinogenicity. Alpha/beta receptor blocker of choice in acute porphyria.
Chemical description
Alpha/beta - receptor blocking agent. Metabolized by CYP 2D6 dependent conjugation to glucuronide, excreted in urine and bile.Some oxidative metabolism may take place but a minor pathway. Less than 5% excreted in unchanged form in urine. Thunell, patient report (n=1): tolerated. Andersson, patient report (n=1): tolerated. South African list: use. French list: authorized. Kalman, Bonkowsky: believed to be safe. Michael Moore's list: safe. Moore MR, Hift RJ: Drugs in the acute porphyrias. Cell Mol Biol. 43:89, 1997: safe.

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