Acute Porphyria Drug Database

H02AB01 - Betamethasone
Propably not porphyrinogenic

Glucocorticoid. Several references consider it safe.
Chemical description
(To be edited, initial data ST OCT 04) Glucocorticoid used in treatment of staus asthmaticus, severe allergic conditions, anaphylaxis, etc. Mineralocorticoids: South African list: use. French list: authorized. Kalman, Bonkowsky: probably safe Michael Moores list: safe. The Merck Manual: safe. Tschudy DP, Lamon JM: Porphyrin metabolism and the Porphyrias in Bondy BK, Rosenberg LE (eds): Duncans Diseases of Metabolism, Philadelphia, WB Saunders. 1980,p 939: safe. Moore MR, Hift RJ: Drugs in acute porphyria. Cell Mol Biol 43:89, 1997:safe
Therapeutic characteristics
Hepatic exposure
Metabolism and pharmacokinetics
Preclinical data
Personal communication
Published experience
IPNet drug reports
Uneventful use reported in 7 patients with acute porphyria.

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