J01CR02 - Amoxicillin and Beta-Lactamase Inhibitor |
Not porphyrinogenic |
NP |
Ampicillin: Clinical experience as well as two references indicate non-porphyrinogenicity. The clavulanic acid component does probably not interact with CYPs and is stated in two references to be non-porphyrinogenic.
Chemical description
Ampicillin: Broadspectrum penicillin for parenteral use. Metabolized only to a slight extent to penicilloic acid, 72-92 % of the dose excreted unchanged. The antibiotic is combined with the betalactamase inhibitor clavulanic acid, which is extensively metabolized in the liver. No data pointing to CYP-interaction. Ampicillin: South African list: use. Australian list: safe. Clavulanic acid: South African list: use. Australian list: safe.
IPNet drug reports
Uneventful use reported in 51 patients with acute porphyria.
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