J01DB05 - Cefadroxil |
Propably not porphyrinogenic |
Not metabolised. No data pointing to CYP interaction. Conflicting references.
Chemical description
Perorally used cephalosporin (500 mg x 2) antibiotic used in uncomplicated urinary tract infections, skin and soft tissue infections and in pharyngotonsillitis where penicillin V has shown to be without effect. Only about 2 % is metabolized by decarbamylation, the drug thus mainly excreted in unchanged form by the kidneys. No data pointing to CYP-affinity. South African list: use with caution . French list: unsafe. Andersson:used occasionally without side effects.Said by one patient, however, to have triggered symtoms.
IPNet drug reports
Uneventful use reported in 2 patients with acute porphyria.
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