J04AK02 - Ethambutol |
Not porphyrinogenic |
NP |
Up to 90% of a dose is excreted as unchanged drug.
Therapeutic characteristics
Ethambutol is indicated for the treatment of infection with M. tuberculosis and some other mycobacteria.
Less common side effects that can be potentially porphyrinogenic through reduction in carbohydrate intake and that also can be confused with an acute porphyria attack are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and anorexia.
Metabolism and pharmacokinetics
At least 70% and up to 90% of a dose is excreted unchanged primarily in urine and faeces. Up to 15% is excreted as inactive metabolites in urine. (Norsk legemiddelhåndbok and SPC). The metabolism appears to be oxidation to an aldehyde, followed by conversion to a dicarboxylic acid (DailyMed). Half-life elimination is 3-4 hours.
Published experience
Ethambutol is listed as safe (Moore 1997).
- Scientific articles
- DailyMed. PMID 38563879. #1742
- Moore MR, Hift RJ. Drugs in the acute porphyrias--toxicogenetic diseases. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 1997 Feb;43(1):89-94. PMID 9074793. #1110
- Drug reference publications
- Norsk legemiddelhåndbok. etambutol #1743
- Summary of Product Characteristics
- Norwegian medicines agency. Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). Rimstar. #1744
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