Acute Porphyria Drug Database

J05AP01 - Ribavirin
Propably not porphyrinogenic

Important Information
Side effects like diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains and infections can be confused with an acute porphyric attack and may potentially be porphyrinogenic.
Side effects
Very common side effects of ribavirin in combination with interferon alpha are diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains, anorexia, depression, anxiety, insomnia and infections. These side effects can be confused with an acute porphyric attack and may potentially trigger an acute porphyric attack.
Ribavirin is not a substrate, inhibitor or inducer of CYP450 enzymes. No pharmacokinetic porphyrinogenic effects are suspected.
Chemical description
Synthetic ribofuranozyl nucleoside
Therapeutic characteristics
Ribavirin in combination with boceprevir and peg-interferon alpha is indicated for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C genotype 1. It is administered orally.
Metabolism and pharmacokinetics
Ribavirin is metabolized either by phosphorylation or by deribosylation and amide hydrolysis to triazole carboxylation and cleared by the kidneys (SPC). Ribavirin is not a substrate, inhibitor or inducer of CYP450 enzymes (SPC) and there are no drug-drug interactions involving CYP450 enzymes (Lexi-Interact, SPC)


  1. Government bodies
  2. #1302
  3. Drug interaction databases
  4. Lexi-Interact in UpToDate. Ribavirin: Drug interaction program. #1753
  5. Summary of Product Characteristics
  6. The electronic Medicines Compendium (emc). Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). (Rebetol). #1754

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