J07BB02 - Influenza, Inactivated, Split Virus or Surface Antigen |
Propably not porphyrinogenic |
Based on the pharmacokinetics of the influenza, purified antigen vaccine, there are no conceivable porphyrinogenic effects.
Chemical description
Components of influenza virus type A and B.
Therapeutic characteristics
The influenza, purified antigen vaccine is indicated in adults and children from 6 months of age for prophylaxis of influenza, especially in those who run an increased risk of associated complications.
It is administered by a single intramuscular or deep subcutaneous injection.
Metabolism and pharmacokinetics
The influenza vaccine is not metabolized by the cytochrome P450 system.
IPNet drug reports
Uneventful use reported in 5 patients with acute porphyria. One report of a possible acute porphyric attack in a susceptible female with AIP, but the attack was poorly documented and several other factors could explain the symptoms. This report has therefore not been taken into account in the judgement of the porphyrinogenicity of the influenza, purified antigen vaccine.
- Government bodies
- Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Vaksinasjonsveilederen. www.fhi.no (updated 13.10.2015). #1857
- Summary of Product Characteristics
- The electronic Medicines Compendium (emc). Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC). Influvac sub-unit. (Last edition:25th of July 2016). #1874
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